TSC lists 3 Dominating teacher tribes making almost 50% of payroll

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Based on a report that has been tabled by the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) , there are three (3) teacher tribes that dominate almost half of the teaching fraternity and payroll.

As outlined in the report,the Kalenjin, the Kikuyu and the Luhya tribes take up almost 50 per cent of the total 406,860 teachers under the government’s register and payroll.

The  above details were tabled before the Senate Standing Committee for  National Cohesion and Equal Opportunity.

Top teaching tribe is the Kalenjin community with majority of tutors in the TSC payroll with a population of 73,309 teachers.

Kikuyu Community is second with a total of  64,937 in the payroll.

The third commission is Luhya which has a total of 60,912 teachers registered teachers.

In total,teacher population from the three tribes take up 48 per cent of the teaching profession outlining clearly the issues  regional balance disparity in the teaching professional.

The fourth community in the list the Kamba that has 48,201 teachers in the State payroll then followed by the Luo community with 47,285 closing the top five communities with largest number of teachers in TSC payroll.

TSC headquarters building offices

TSC headquarters building offices; Image/ Courtesy

The report further reveals that the Kalenjin, Kikuyu, the Luhya, the Kamba and Luo make up to 70 % of the teaching profession.

The total population of teachers from the 5 communities is 294,644 teachers out of the 406,860 total employed teachers in the country by the TSC.

The details further reveals that Kisii community is the  sixth with 35,236 teachers which is equal  to 8 % following by the Meru community with  25,930 teachers as the seventh community with high number of teachers.

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