Crucial Details Inside July 2024 Phase 2 TSC Salary Increment

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Even as teachers wait for the final implementation of July 2024 TSC salary increment for phase 2, it is only those teachers who were hired before July 1, 2023 who will stand a chance to benefit from this pay rise.

On the other hand, house allowances earned by teachers under cluster 4 will change as other 3 remaining clusters will remain the same.

According to the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) guidelines, phase 2 of this salary increment is set to start on  July 1st 2024.

Salary Increment is meant to boost the earnings of eligible categories of teachers under TSC inorder to cater for with the current rising living standards

Signals for Implementation of phase 2 increment as a reality 

Kiharu Member of Parliament Honorable Ndindi Nyorou unveiled the plan for phase 2 of the salary increase . Following an announcement of the 2024–2025 budget allocations.

This signals hope for teachers in the realization of the agreements reached between TSC and various teachers’ unions.

The 2021–2025 Collective Bargaining Agreements (CBAs) is expected  to have a substantial portion of the Sh 369.94 billion budget to be allocated to Teacher Service Commission under the education budget.

Based on the  agreement signed on August 28, 2023,two-phases of  implementation plan was arrived at.

First phase which took effect from July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024 is currently  in place.

Second and final phase currently eyed by teachers  will run from July 1st 2024, to June 30th 2025.

What teachers should expect in phase 2 increment

TSC Teachers will receive varying basic salary as proposed here.

Phase 2 anticipated salary Increment distribution table

Phase 2 anticipated salary Increment distribution table;Image/File

Teachers will also get enhanced house allowance rates based on four clusters:

–  Nairobi City under Cluster 1

– Mombasa, Kisumu, Nakuru Cities, Nyeri, Eldoret town , Thika, Kisii town , Malindi, and Kitale municipalities under cluster 2 ,Other former municipalities under cluster 3  ,All other areas under cluster 4.

Note that house allowance rates for Clusters 1, 2, and 3  will remain unchanged. It is only Cluster 4  whose house allowances will change.

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