Current TSC Teacher Transition Determinant From C2 to C3 Grade

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The C2 teacher position grade is an advancement for TSC primary school teachers as well as an an entry-level to an administrative position role before moving to C3 .

However , primary school teachers  promotion to Grade C2 is not automatic.

The teacher has to undergo a competitive process on available positions determining the promotion.

Teacher Eligibility Criteria for appointments to Grade C2

For a primary teacher to qualify for a Grade C2 appointment,they must have a minimum of 3 years of experience under Primary Teacher I position under  T-Scale 6.

Promotion depends on teacher  participation in promotion interviews that will enable a Senior Teacher II in Grade C2 get to move to Senior Teacher I in Grade C3 position. 

Diploma Teachers for secondary schools

With the secondary school teacher  holding diploma, they move to Grade C2 after three years of dedicated service in Grade C1.

The secondary school diploma teacher serving at Grade C1 is automatically promoted to Grade C2 within the same subject area, this is unlike in primary where a teacher must be subjected to an interview.

Diploma Teachers Progress to Degree C2 to C3 Transition

secondary school diploma teacher to move to Grade C3,the teacher must attend a  promotional interview meaning  that the promotion never comes automatically.

On the other hand ,Grade C2 teachers  serves as the entry point for graduate teachers in secondary schools and after they are hired,  they are automatically promoted to grade C3 after 3 years in service.

Teacher in class taking pupils through a learning area

Teacher in class taking pupils through a learning area; Image/Courtesy

Degree teacher  advancement From C2 to C3

Once a degree graduate teacher in secondary schools serves for 3 years, they are automatically promoted  to Grade C3 without additional interviews or examinations.

It is therefore important to note that whether in primary or secondary education, TSC transition from C2 to C3 involves dedication, teacher experience among other factors.

It should also be noted that as a teacher transitions from one grade to another , month salary and allowances are also likely to rise as well.

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