Kisii University will allow access for admission letters to Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) students after the release of the 2024/2025 Kenya University and Central Colleges Placement Service (KUCCPS) final results.
The KCSE candidates to be admitted to Kisii University shall be under government sponsorship through KUCCPS who will then be required to can now download their admission letters online.
How to download Kisii University Admission Letter 2024/2025
For students who are placed to Kisii University, here is the procedure for downloading the placement admission letter;
1. To access your letter go students/admissions
Key in your Index Number/2023 (e.g. 0123456789/2023) then click on Search.
2. Then Download your Admission Letter that is attached with the Fees Structure.
3.After login in to your account,then click on Login to my account to self-admit
4.Do accept the offer and proceed with your registration .
5. Just incase if you wish to defer your studies, then click defer button)l.
6. Still on the main dashboard you can Start your Admission by clicking the Admission Step 1-5 by filling in the details required.
Each time you are done filling a given segment make sure you Click next/continue to take you to the next section.
During Admission
Ensure that you carry;
- original and clear photocopies of KCSE result slips, the KCSE certificates, your school leaving certificate and national ID/Birth certificates.
- Have at least three passport size photographs
- Do fees payment and other charges.
To Contact Kisii University
Kisii University Address
P.o Box 408-40200,
Kisii. KENYA.
Kisii University Phone;
Kisii University Email