TSC vetting& Deployment of P1 Teachers to junior school JSS ,2024

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The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) is expected to announce the start of  Vetting process inorder to pave way for Deployment of the 6000 P1 Teachers to JSS from next term.

Upon announcement of the beginning of this awaited noble exercise, the Sub-County Directors will be inviting  the candidates as per the lists provided by the County Director for the verification of documents.

Just like last year, the teacher candidates are expected to present the following documents during verification exercise;

i)an Original and a copy of the degree/diploma certificate

ii) an original and clear copies of the academic transcripts

iii) an original and a copy of SNE qualification (in cases some where applicable)

iv) An Original and a  copy of the KCSE certificate (at some point its equivalent);

v) A copy of the current teacher payslip

Vi) a clear declaration letter written by the Head of Institution that the teacher is currently serving in the school as well as  free from serving an interdiction or  undergoing a disciplinary case process.

Teacher Deployment process 

Normally, the TSC Deployment letters will be signed by the Sub-County Directors for teachers within a given sub-county.

With those teachers who may be deployed outside their serving Sub-County, their letters will be signed by the County Directors/Regional Director.

During teacher deployment, the following consideration should keenly observed;

i) The teacher Proximity to the current station. It is a recommended by TSC that the teachers should be deployed to their current station or those that are close to their current stations as much as possible.

ii) it is also provided that for subject Combination of the teacher,for if a station requires more than one teacher of the same subject combination, then Sub-County Directors should not deploy teachers of similar subject combinations which are same as those already posted to JSS.

iii) that for gender of the teacher, there should be balance in the gender of teachers posted to the same station.

iv) For those teachers with SNE qualification , they should be posted to Special JSS among other considerations.

TSC further recommends for the following during deployment of p1 teachers exercise to JSS 
According to the commission, the following has to be observed;

a) All the teachers at Grade B5 and C1 with a Bachelor’s degree should be issued with appointment letters to the new Grade C2 (Appendix I).

Teachers Service Commission (TSC) headquarters in Upper Hill, Nairobi.

Teachers Service Commission (TSC) headquarters in Upper Hill; Image/Courtesy

b) That all the teachers at Grade B5  who have a Diploma in Education will be issued with appointment letters to the new  Grade at C1 (Appendix II).

c) That the teachers at Grade C2 and above with either a Bachelors or Diploma certificates shall be issued with Deployment letters under (Appendix III).

d) for Diploma teachers at C1, they will be  issued with a Deployment Letter with (Appendix III).

Teachers who submitted their details for TSC deployment consideration should get the above listed documents ready as they wait for TSC official communication for the start of Vetting and deployment for may 2024.

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