The Highest and Lowest Lucrative Salary for TVET Teacher ,2024

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Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) teacher (s) have been the driving power in preparing various engineers around with good monthly salary.

TVET teachers play key roles in  imparting practical skills as well as the required knowledge and skills to empower the present workforce as well as that of the future .

It is important to note that TVETs normally offer students a chance to gain key and relevant practical skills and knowledge that directly apply to the job market.

The skills required helps to create self employment hence reducing the  unemployment rates.

It also imparts key knowledge to the workforce needed to drive various industries of technology ,agriculture as well as engineering.

Salary for TVET teachers 

The monthly salary received by TVET teachers in Kenya is based on various factors which include ;

Teacher Qualifications, those with higher academic credentials get higher pay.

The type of institution,those teachers working in government institutions typically earn more than those in privately owned institutions.

The Location of the institution ,normally those TVET teachers in urban areas tend to receive higher salaries due to high cost if living .

Teacher Experience, those who have stayed in the profession  for long earn more due to stated high experience as likened to those who are just starting in the field.

Teacher area of specialization

For those teachers who specialize in high-demand areas get more pay as compared to those who teaching in less popular fields.

Therefore , upon considering the above  factors TVET teacher monthly salary ranges between Ksh 30,000 to Ksh 120,000.

Ekerubo Gietai TVET institution main gate, Nyamira county

Ekerubo Gietai TVET institution main gate, Nyamira county ;Image/Courtesy

For instance teachers who are newly employed, salary range is from Ksh 30,000 to Ksh 50,000.

Those who have worked for a few years and gained experience, they earn monthly salary ranging from Ksh 50,000 to Ksh 80,000.

For those who have served for some time and with experience and higher qualications, their monthly  salaries range is between of Ksh 80,000 to Ksh 120,000 or sometimes higher than this.

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