Several TTCs Back to Life After Revision of Entry Grades by Ministry

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Following the government initiative of revision of entry grades to Teacher Training College (TTC) , normalcy has returned in over 32 colleges that have seen high enrollment of teacher trainees.

About two years ago, the situation had really worsened where the number of tutors in these institutions had been higher that the number of teacher trainees.

The situation had worsened since then , the entry requirements were a minimum of C plain in KCSE with similar grade in English, Kiswahili, one humanity and a science subject.

With this situation, the Institutions had seen an admission of 6935 students over a period of two years.

However, thus situation has since improved because as of September last year intake, a total of 20,845 teacher trainees had been admitted hence the number likely to go up even more in this year’s admission.

The swelling number of teacher trainees evident is as a result of relaxation of the entry grade to these institutions, a mibve that was influenced by the ministry of Education through the cabinet secretary Ezekiel Machogu.

TTC students line up during Assembly

TTC students line up during Assembly ;Image/Courtesy

Currently, the minimum entry grade is a c plain in KCSE without any minimum subject clusters.

Therefore students who managed to score C plain in KCSE , and have interest to join the teaching profession, they should make their application through KUCCPS before April 4th, 2024 for Consideration.

Note that students who who meet minimum entry grades and get an opportunity to Teacher Training Colleges (TTC) also enjoy government subsidy funds, just like other students in various institutions.

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