The Salaries and Remunerations Commission (SRC) CEO Lyn Mengich has raised concerns over proposed reductions in the retirement age for government workers.
According to the commission, there are several strains on the country’s pension system and earlier retirement will lead to the loss of valuable experienced workers from the labour force.
While speaking during an interview in a local station on Tuesday, the SRC CEO emphasized on importance of retaining workers until the age of 60 years.
Mengich said that the workers are still productive and contribute to the workforce.
According to Mengich,there is no need for lowering the retirement age.
Mengich said that if people retire at 55 years as currently proposed , then it means they are pensionable at 55 yrs and they are yet productive hence the country will loss the experienced individuals.
Mengich said that there is no need to incur a higher pension liability that s already a huge liability, hence they are still productive.
This means that retiring them early is not important when they can still contribute to the nation.

Retired Teachers Group Chairman Joseph Mwenja addressing members of Media ;Image/File
SRC CEO Mengich’s reaction comes after a petitioner Charles Chege in February 2024,went to court seeking to abolish the retirement age requirement for employees in both public and private sectors.
According to Chege ,the current retirement age limits of 60 years for regular employees and 65 for individuals with disabilities is unfair.
This is because it restricts certain workers more so the young ones disregarding their competence and capability to continue working.
I fully agree there is no need
Aphunyuzwe odiniwe !!
The “experienced ” teachers” are te ones the governmunt wants to REMOVE as they are from the “old school ” and impart social values to the children,the governmunt wants them out so that the INDOCTRINATED ones are there to teach anc distorted values like ” the whiteman STOLE everything ” as if it was there 300 years ago lmfao
Sijaelewa huko mkopo wa Tsc unapatikanaje
I do agree no need to do so.
No need for that..
Our government have ministers who are over 70 in their cabinet..
But they still service the country cause they are productive..
Retirement age must be abolished .65 years or 20 to 30 yars of service.
It’s unfair to retire civil servants at 65 and add to the already strained pensioners when we have politicians, ministers and Presidents are not subjected to this policy. Besides, they are the ones who gobble most of the budget on government expenditure through hefty packages, loans, state of the art vehicles and allowances. If civil servants must go at 65, then all politicians in public offices must also go including the Presidents.
There’s no need to retire at the age of 55.
Th huge problem especially about teacher’s is salary that is far below when you’re looking at their responsibilities within and outside teaching environment . No car allowance , uniform , housing subsidy no financial aid on higher education . I can go on ….
Can’t these politicians propose that they also should retire at 55 and let the young people lead us? Does it mean that being a politician automatically qualifies you to becoming more productive with age?
Yes… Work work work till you can’t work NO more. Even die at work… Dont retire.. That’s what I think.. Work till you die
They must retire at the age of 55 is fine many students coming from different universities are graduated but not working because of no work people sitting there for years doing nothing if you didn’t make it for the age of 35 to 50 already time is gone 60 years is a forced to work and you don’t value nothing 55 years is the right way to go pension government and all company those 350 must be saved
55 its a peefect time for retirement,one is still energetic ,can tour and enjoy his/her retirement
Retire at the age of 55years is a way to go. We should not be forced to retire at 60 or 65.