The final promotions list for teachers including those who did not find their names in the list is finally published in the TSC portal .
After TSC having acknowledged of the presence of errors in the recently released list of promoted teachers that saw the list miss from the portal for some days, the list is now fully available.
As a result, teachers who have not received their letters are encouraged not to panic since TSC has addressed the discrepancies evident.
TSC start of issuance of promotions letters will, provide clarity on promotion status and as a way of rectifying errors observed in the list.
For those teachers who are unable to check for their details in the full promotion list available at TSC website, they can wait for TSC promotion letters, that will be serving as the official confirmation of their promotion status.
On the other hand,for the teachers who attended interviews and have not checked for their details, they should wait for SMS notifications from TSC County and Sub-County offices.
Teachers may also wait for a formal call from TSC county or Subcounty offices inviting them to collect their promotion letters and ascertain their status.
According to County and Regional Directors of the Teachers Service Commission, there is an assurance that errors and misprints in the list are common in large-scale exercises hence urging those who may have missed their names not to be overly worried.
Several teachers had expressed their interest in the interviews following a large number of individuals who turned up fir interview.

Teacher Walela Emmanuel teaching a Form Three class at County High School in Garissa on January 29, 2015. PHOTO[N media]
The list that was published by TSC with 724-page list on the TSC website shows details of 36,505 teachers that were considered successfully promoted after interviews exercise.
For details on the final promotions list access it at TSC website list to check for your TSC number and other details.
Am 52 years now.I have been in C1 grade since 2017.I was a headteacher for 7 years.I missed in the recent promotion to C2 .What went on,?