TSC Grade D1 Category of Teachers,their Salary &Allowances p.m

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According to the Teachers Service Commission (TSC ) Grade D1 T Scale 11 covers four categories of teachers who are paid different salary and allowances.

Among these these category of teachers include;

  • The Senior Master II
  • The Deputy Principal III
  • The Senior Head teacher
  • The Senior Lecturer II
  • The Curriculum Support Officer I

These category of professionals play a key role in their leadership and expertise, thus contributing significantly to the  growth and development in the teaching and learning.

According to TSC Grading System, D1 grade is teachers  basic salary structure consists of seven salary points and each one of them corresponds to a specific salary amount.

For instance , D1 teachers at salary point 1, earn a basic salary of sh.78,625 as those in pont 7 gets a basic salary of sh.95,101 .

Apart from the monthly salary, these teachers earn an additional additional allowances paid by the commission .

The table provided here shows the salary scale paid to these teachers hence providing a clear outline of the earnings to educators in this grade .

 TSC Basic Salary for D1


1 78,625 D1
2 81,128 D1
3 83,755 D1
4 86,458 D1
5 89,240 D1
    6     92,119     D1
7 95,101 D1

Depending on the place of work and grade, these teachers get an allowance of between 45,000 highest bas the lowest get paid sh.18,066

The above monthly house allowance aim to provide financial support to teachers in meeting housing demands.

The D1 grade teacher are also paid other allowances which include;

 Hardship Allowance

D1 grade gets monthly hardship allowance of sh.27,300 for those working  in challenging environments.

Teacher writing notes on class blackboard

Teacher writing notes on class blackboard ; Image/File

Commuter Allowance

D1 teachers get sh12,000 as commuter allowance to help them sort out  transportation costs to and from work.

Annual Leave Allowance

These teachers get an annual leave allowance of sh. 10,000 to support them during their annual leave periods.

Disability Guide Allowance

D1 teachers who are abled differently gets this allowance at sh20,000 to cater for their daily living and work requirements.

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