Trained diploma nurse helps to offer medical services in various health facilities across the country and just like any other workers ,this Officer is paid salary and allowances.
According to details the lowest Earning nurse at job group G earns a basic salary ranging between Sh. 23,369 and Sh. 29,826 per month.It is also the entry nursing salary in Kenya.
The nurses at Job Group K earn a Basic salary of about KSh. 40,000 per month.
The diploma nurse who has entered job group earns a monthly Basic Salary of between ksh. 109,089 KSh. 144,928.
Allowances of Diploma nurses
In addition to the monthly salary these medical officers receive several allowances as follows:
Nurses housing Allowances
These Nurses are paid a house allowance of between KSh. 3,500 as the highest receives Sh. 15,000 per month.
These trained nurses get monthly Extraneous expenses allowance of between Sh. 15,000 and Sh. 35,000 monthly depending on job group.

Kmtc page for applications;image/File
Monthly Health risk allowance
The amount paid varies between Sh. 3,850 and Sh. 5,000 also depending on job group.
The nurses Uniform allowance
This is paid at a rate of Sh. 10,000 annually
Monthly Commuter Allowance
It is paid a t a rate of between Sh. 4,000 and Sh. 14,000 monthly depending on job group.