TSC (4) Main Reasons why Teachers Are Denied Transfer Approval

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The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) is granted powers to process teacher transfer requests or recommendations from one institution to another but in most cases not all requests are subjected to approval.

Several teachers seeking transfer requests sometimes find themselves in a situation where they fail to understand the reasons behind denials for approval.

Note that before  TSC approves the transfer, the commission ensures that there is smooth operation of schools and teachers and students well being.

As a result, here are four common reasons why TSC may refuse to approve the teacher  transfer request.

1.TSC set Timing

According to the teachers employer,the teachers are only eligible to request a transfer five years after being assigned to a school.

This also applies to those seeking to get intercounty transfers.

Not that Incase a request is made before this 5 year’s period, TSC stands a high chance to deny a teacher transfer request.

2.Little Convincing Justification from the teacher 

The teachers employer normally checks on factual reasons to lay foundation for  approval of  transfer.

For the teachers who do not provide a strong argument for why they need to be transferred, the commission does not approve them.

2.Level of School Preparedness

Note that depending on the capacity of teachers in the school, the Head teacher or principal can initiate or reject the transfer process.

For schools with teacher deficit, the school head may refuse to sign transfer papers .

This means that the school is not prepared to immediately find a suitable replacement.

As a result, the transfer request is cancelled until the school finds a special a replacement .

Teachers Service Commission (TSC ) Chief Executive Officer Dr Nancy Macharia

Teachers Service Commission (TSC ) Chief Executive Officer Dr Nancy Macharia Image/File

4. Inability to Find a true swop / Replacement

 Incase a teacher cannot an immediately swap positions with another interested teacher after the request, then the commission can postpone or deny the request.

This means that it is important for TSC teachers seeking transfer to have replacement ready to facilitate immediate and smoother transfer approval process.

Teachers are therefore  supposed to have this knowledge in mind inorder to prepare for their transfer requests.

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