All Promoted P1 Teachers New Salary Scales Upon Reporting Out

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Teachers , more especially P1 (primary) who were lucky and emerged successful in the recently released promotions results will have their monthly allowances and salary improve a great range.

These teachers raise the foundation of learners in grades one through six whose age bracket often between the six and eleven years.

For those who got promotions, TSC will pay them improved monthly pay in line with their specific job groups .

This means that those in high job groups will earn more compared to those at the entry job positions.

TSC introduced new grading system that has so far seen some excellent results among them being high pay for one of which is higher graduate P1  teacher wages.

Here is the anticipated monthly salary for P1 teachers who got promotions to various job cadres

1. Job group P ( current Grade D1)

Primary school headteachers in both day and boarding schools belong to this category.

These TSC officers get new salary ranging between of sh. 77,840  and sh. 93,408 monthly.

 2.Job group N currently Grade C5

Primary headteachers from schools that have fewer students  belong to this level.

At the same time there are  deputy headteachers at this grade  whose earning is between sh. 62,272 and Ksh. 77,840 per month

3. Job group M (current Grade C4)

The deputy headteachers in day schools belong to this category and their monthly salary ranges from sh. 52,308 to sh. 65,385

4. Job group L (current Grade C3)

Senior teacher I belong to this category and their monthly earning is between sh. 43,154 and sh. 55,945.


5. Job group K (current Grade C2)

Primarily focuses on special needs education who are also senior primary teachers who were promoted to this grade.

Learners in class attempting an class assignment given by their teacher

Learners in class attempting an class assignment given by their teacher ;Image/Courtesy

These officers monthly salary ranges from sh. 34,955 to sh. 43,694.6.

6. Job group J (current Grade C1)

Are P1 classroom teachers whose monthly salary ranges from sh. 27,195 to sh. 33,994

7. Job group G (current Grade B5)

P1 teachers at the entry level start at this job group upon confirmation by TSC

Their monthly salary ranges  between sh. 21,756 and sh. 27,195

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