Nakuru High School to Host World Schools Cross Country Trials

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This year’s World School Cross Country trials will be held at Nakuru High School on Thursday as Nyanza region qualifies with a team of 20 athletes.

Nyanza team has managed a tea of  the top 10 boys and girls outstanding performers from the regional school games which were conducted at Rabuor Primary School this last weekend.

During this event, Perminus Tinega from Riabigutu Secondary won 5.5km race boys’ race and Dorca Isoe from  Keberesi  won the  3.3km girls’ race

During the race Tinega emerged a victor by taking  16:48.6 followed by Benedict Karori from Ruiru  who took the second position with 16:53:8 and finally Anthony Omworo from Masongo took 17:00.5 to emerge the third best.

On the other hand, for the girls race Isoe won by taking  12:48.04 followed by Mary Moraa and Abigael Chepkorir both from Riooga who took the second and third positions taking 12:49.08 and 12:56.9 times respectively.

Others under the  boys’ team that will be representing Nyanza region include

  •  Rooney Balala from Rusinga school
  • Richard Morang’a  from Itumbe school
  • Faustine Baraka from Riambase school
  • Samuel Obiri from Nyamage school
  • Nelson Akama Kianungu school.
  • Joel Omwoyo and Abel Barasa both  from Riooga school

On the other hand, those representing the girls’ team include ;

  • Ruth Ondara of Riabigutu school
  • Vanilla Moige of Keberesi school
  • Naomi Otwabe of Borangi school
  • Susan Anari  Anastancia Nyang’au, Ann Kemuma both from  Kianungu school
  • Dorca Cherop from Riooga school

These team of  athletes are expected to land in Nakuru on Wednesday for procedural vetting, doing registration and collection of bib numbers.

A group of athletes taking instructions from their coach

A group of athletes taking instructions from their coach; Image/Courtesy

They are also expected  to have a touch of the new environment inorder to get familiar with it

One of the qualification requirements is that participants in the world School Cross country must be born between 2006 and 2011.

In addition, they must have  their original birth certificates plus their parents’ consent letter and school release letter as well.

At the same time, they must have UPI membership numbers.

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