TSC Basic Salary Of A Diploma Special Needs Teacher (Grade C2)

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The basic salary of a diploma special needs teacher is normally determined by the salary points and the allowance grade set by Teachers Service Commission (TSC)

TSC teachers under salary point 1, normally takes a basic salary of ksh.36,621 with an allowance grade of C2.

Note as the salary points increase for the teacher ,the basic salary also increases.

For instance , teachers at salary point 5, get a monthly basic salary is 43,786 per month.

Equally as the  basic salary continues to rise to sh. 45,776 at salary point 6, they also get C2  grade allowance.

Listed below is the standard basic salary range for diploma special needs teachers having variations which are based on specifically circumstances .

1 36,621 C2
2 38,299 C2
3 40,051 C2
4 41,879 C2
5 43,786 C2
  6   45,776   C2

TSC SNE Hardship Allowance, Commuter Allowance, Annual Leave Allowance

For the Diploma  teachers under Special Needs Education (SNE)  in Grade C2, as per to  TSC scale gets the following allowances;

Monthly hardship allowance of Ksh 10,900

Monthly commuter allowance of Ksh 5,000

 An annual leave (paid once) allowance of Ksh 6,000.

In addition to this, these teachers are eligible for a disability monthly guide allowance of Ksh 20,000.

TSC allowances paid tho these teachers are designed to support these teachers in their roles as well as making an acknowledgement to the challenges they may face while working.

A teacher teaching students in Lodwar, Turkana.

A teacher teaching students in Lodwar, Turkana; Image/ Courtesy

Monthly hardship allowance to SNE recognizes challenges teachers may encounter in their duty stations

On the other hand , the monthly disability guide allowance is particularly important since it helps to  it provide additional support for teachers working with students with disabilities as well.

Serial no Teacher


Tsc Scale Hardship Allowance

P .m

Commuter Allowance


Annual Leave  Allowance


Disability Guide  Allowance


C2 7 10,900 5,000 6,000 20,000

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