New website Established for Teachers Seeking TSC Swop Transfers

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Inorder to make it easy for teachers seeking TSC county and inter-region transfers to get fellows with same interest on swop ,new website has been created to address the same.

The platform  is meant to help those teachers seeking to address the issue of missing transfers for lacking a special a replacement.

The Kenya National union of primary teachers Collins Oyuu  revealed this details of the new website where teachers interested  can login in and place a transfer need as well as checking available swop mates.

The details of the new website were revealed last year in a  circular dated 24th July 2023, that were  addressed to Knut branch secretaries.

The new platform for according to Oyuu Oyuu says the platform called , that is managed by a private company  (Azahub Limited) makes it easier for teachers to connect with their swop interested teachers.

Oyuu indicated that this platform  can be assessed based on the teacher’s need after the REPEAL of the delocalization policy which had negative effects on many teachers thus their families and education fraternity in general.

After TSC CEO Dr. Nancy Macharia faced the National Assembly Education Committee on transfer of delocalized teachers, she revealed that by June 2023, a bout  46,962 delocalized teachers had sent applications for transfer.

Of the above number , TSC Boss confirmed that the commission had effected 20,055 transfers of teachers back to their home counties.

TSC  Boss has indicated that it had not effected all the delocalization requests due to lack of suitable replacements.

It is important to note that TSC teachers’ transfers is guided by the need for equitable distribution and optimal utilisation of teachers and th same applies for teachers seeking swop.

A male teacher taking pupils through a class lesson

A male teacher taking pupils through a class lesson; Image/Courtesy

It also depends on availability of vacancy in the proposed station, specific need need for replacement as well as existing staffing norms and medical grounds.

TSC Staffing indicated that challenges resulting from lack of local teachers in arid and semi-arid (Asal) and hard-to-staff areas forces  the recruitment of teachers from other regions.

The above situations has been  resulting to  constant regular requests for transfers of teachers seeking to get back to their home counties.This is  Committee according to Chairman Julius Melly who said that  despite several attempts by teachers to apply for the positions, sometimes they are not granted the opportunity by the employer.

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