KNEC Asks Select Students to Collect KCSE/KCPE Certificates

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All candidates who sat for the 2022 KCPE examinations have been asked by the Kenya National Examination Council (KNEC) to collect  their individual certificates from their respective schools.

In addition , the notice that has been released by KNEC also  encourages the 2023 Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) candidates pick their KCSE result slips from their respective schools too .

KNEC has notified the public that both the  2023 KCSE result slips  and 2022 KCPE certificates certificates have been dispatched to the schools whose students were presented to examinations in the years above.

As a result, all the concerned candidates and their parents or guardians should visit their schools promptly to obtain these important documents.

The council asked those with  any concerns or grievances related to the examination results or certificates to ensure raising  them within 30 days of their issuance warning that after which the query raised later shall attract a penalty

Those with issues that need knec address should channel them  through the Heads of Schools and the Sub County Directors of Education.

Those who will delay submission of the appeals within the stipulated 30 days will result in a penalty.

KCPE examinations for 2022 saw  a total of 1,230,588 candidates  attempting knec examinations and under the government’s 100 percent transition policy, all of them qualified for admission to Form One .

On the other hand, 2023 KCSE exams recorded a total of 899,453 candidates,which was a( 2%) two percent increase from the previous year,2022.

Kcse Students at moi Girls write their exams, 2019

Kcse Students at moi Girls write their exams, 2019 .; image/courtesy

KNEC portal is currently open for  the registration process for the Kenya Primary School Assessment (KPSEA) and KCSE  exams for 2024.

All heads of institutions both in primary and secondary are expected to register all eligible candidates before March 29, 2024.

Schools (examination centers ) are required to log onto knec portal for guidelines on specific examination details as well as the loading of the candidate information using registration password for the school.


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