TSC Job Group With Most Stagnated Teachers Again Not Promoted

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According to the Teachers Unions, the promotions released recently by Teachers Service Commission (TSC) omitted certain teacher job group / grades, more so those that had stagnated for long time.

According to the Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers (Kuppet) and Kenya National Union of Teachers (Knut) , their research indicates that most teachers in D4 job group have been denied opportunity in the promotions.

The unions have argued that even with these teachers having presented the required qualifications for consideration to  the next position, the commission  did not have an eye on them hence  creating  gap in the administrative .

The unions have also indicated that  Grade D4 teachers were denied a chance to upgrade hence leading to stagnation in lower grades.

The two unions have now settled on checking for accountability and transparency in the promotion process through initiating collection of data from all teachers .

They have indicated that the data will  fully address the issues raised by teachers who feel unfairly excluded from the whole promotion process conducted by TSC.

As per to Secretary General KUPPET, honourable Akello Misori , there are several  challenges faced by teachers move up in the professional ladder and recognition by the system.

He also asked TSC to be aware of  the impact of promotion issues and how they affect teachers morale and productivity in their service delivery.

Akello  also said that due to lack of promotions, several teachers prefer early retirement instead of being frustrated by the stagnation in the system.

Misori also added that the issue  of stagnation extends to Grade D5, with most cases reported  with Grade D4 who are being denied the chance to progress.

The Unions further have raised concern over the deputy principals assume the principal  acting roles for extended period without compensation leading to frustration.

They indicated that in most cases , sever deputies have been acting as principals for a period of more than six months,who later  end up going back to their previous duties upon posting of new principals to the same school.

Teachers Service Commission (TSC) Boss Dr,Nancy Njeri Macharia with KNUT Secretary General Collins Oyuu during the 2021 - 2025 collective bargaining agreement signing

Teachers Service Commission (TSC) Boss Dr,Nancy Njeri Macharia with KNUT Secretary General Collins Oyuu during the 2021 – 2025 collective bargaining agreement signing ;Image/Courtesy

The two job groups of C3 and C4, that were created from job group L was also criticised by Misori , saying that these have contributed to delay in teachers progression of their career.

According to the KUPPET secretary, the current  movement of a teacher from C3 to C4 is used by TSC to delay the teacher within the job group,thus this disrupts  the traditional progression from job Group L and M job group hence addressing issues issues of stagnated teachers.

As a result the above challenges , the unions have now started collecting data on teachers who have not received deserved promotions following several complaints.


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