TSC Calls Select C1 & B5 Teachers To Submit Listed Details Online

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The teachers who are under C1 and B5 ( P1 teachers in primary schools ) are required to submit their details to TSC before Monday 18th March ,2024 for deployment Consideration.

TSC advertised 6,000 deployment slots to promote the serving primary school teachers with degree in secondary option as from next term.

Successful teachers will get a chance to be  posted to serve in junior secondary school section currently established under CBC.

Primary school teachers to be deployed are those who are currently employed under permanent and pensionable terms by the Teachers Service Commission (TSC)

These specific category of teachers are those who have Diploma in Education with a minimum of C+ at KCSE.

A minimum of a C+ (Plus) in two teaching subjects currently being offered in the school curriculum is mandatory with a minimum  of 8 units in each of the two teaching subjects.

Employed primary school teachers who have a general grade of C (plain) at KCSE or an equivalent with a Diploma in Education and have successfully enrollment and graduated with a Bachelor Degree in Education qualify for deployment.

Following  the current rise in the teacher shortage, TSC is under  pressure to deploy more teachers to junior school to address the demand.

Female teacher demonstrating to learners on a concept

Female teacher demonstrating to learners on a concept ; Image/Courtesy

From the last records, most of those deployed are  primary school teachers in job group C1 followed those in job group B5.

All the P1 teachers with  degree certificates deployed to junior school will be placed at job group C2 .Here, they will serve for a period of 3 years and automatically move to job group C3 job cadre.

P1 teachers under B5 with diplomas and degrees who will be deployed will however start at TSC job group C1 .These teachers will also serve for a 3 year period then they will be elevated to job group C2 automatically and start enjoying new pay too.


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