KNEC Issues Requirements on CBC Assessment Teachers Training

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Inorder to Maintain examinations and assessment standards for effective assessment of learner competencies, the Kenya National Examinations Council (KNEC) is set to build the capacity of teachers and teacher educators through a training under CBC .

In a circular released by the council, KNEC wishes to invite qualified teachers and teacher educators to submit applications for training in the development of quality test items for effective implementation of CBC  in Basic Education and teacher training levels.

As a result, all trained teachers and teacher educators could later be  engaged by KNEC as contracted professionals from time to time when need arises.

List of Qualifications for applicants 
According to KNEC, all the applicants wishing to be considered for this training must meet the following listed minimum requirements ;

  1. Must have an unquestionable and irreproachable integrity.
  2. Must be a a professional or expert or subject specialist in the field or subject or the learning area for which to develop interested for training .
  3. The teacher must be teaching the subjects or learning areas applied for in Primary School  under Grades 4, 5 and 6 or  Junior School  from Grades 7 and 8 or  Teacher Training Colleges; including DECTE and DPTE or  Intermediate and Prevocational Level of the Stage Based Pathway
  4. The teacher must have the relevant academic and professional qualifications.
  5. The teacher must be conversant with the content of the curriculum designs in their subjects/learning areas of specialisation.
  6. The teacher must be having a teaching experience not less than 3 years.
  7. The teacher must be registered with the Teachers Service Commission.
  8. The teacher must be recommended by the head of institution.


List of instructions to observe while submitting applications; 

Knec has asked interested  teachers to make applications through the link on or before 29th March, 2024.

In addition, all the applicants should read the instructions, give all the information required and upload the necessary documents and upload all documents as one continuous PDF document.

Knec will contact only successful applicants who will be notified through their phone/e-mail contacts provided.

All those teachers who  have previously subjected  to a training  by KNEC in Item Writing should not apply.

The specific learning areas and levels that KNEC will train teachers on are provided below in part of the KNEC circular;

For more details about the circular and immediately submission of application check

Training ;for primary School Learning Areas (Age-Based Pathway)

Serial No The Learning areas
1 Mathematics
2 English
3 Kiswahili
4 Science and Technology
5 Social Studies
6 Home Science
7 Art and  Craft
8 Agriculture
9 Music
10 Physical and Health Education
11 Indigenous Languages
12 Christian Religious Education
13 Islamic Religious Education
14 Hindu Religious Education
15 Kenyan Sign Language


Kenya National Examination Council (KNEC)headquarters

Kenya National Examination Council (KNEC)headquarters ;Image/File

Training for Junior School; Learning Areas

Serial Number. Teacher Learning


1.          English
2.   Kiswahili
3.   Kenyan Sign Language
4.   Mathematics
5.   Integrated Science
6.   Health Education
7.   Pre-Technical and  Pre-Career
8.   Social Studies
9.   Christian Religious Education (CRE)
10.        Islamic Religious Education (IRE)
11.        Hindu Religious Education (HRE)
12.        Business Studies
13.        Agriculture
14.        Physical Education & Sports
15.        Indigenous Languages
16.        Home Science
17.        Computer Science
18.   Visual Arts
19.   Performing Arts


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