The process of release promotion letters for successful teachers to counties has started despite numerous criticism directed to Teachers Service Commission (TSC)
The teachers employer has resolved to validate the list that it published on its website and as a result the process of publishing part of the letters that a source has said has started to be released to various counties.
According to the commission, it is only those teachers whose TSC numbers appear on the TSC published promotion list will be issued with promotion letters.
The commission published a list of 724 pages on its website will all TSC numbers only for 36,505 that were successfully promoted following interviews done in December and January, 2024.
However Kenya National Union of Teachers (Knut) and the Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers (Kuppet) faulted the teachers’ employer for not giving full details of teachers promoted.
KUPPET and KNUT raised several questioned why the commission did not provide the names against the TSC numbers against the sub counties or counties published together .
The teachers’ unions claimed that without the real names and other details even dead teachers could easily find their way to the merit list.
All the 36,505 successful teachers whose details were published will be issued with TSC promotion letters and will be required to submit five Chapter six documents underlined in the constitution for release.
Personally I am very disappointed, struggling everyday to make learners excel waking up at wee hours of the day and you are left out your efforts are never recognised now days I live to hate myself as a teacher
Am demotivated by the list, having gone through two successive interviews and no promotion, what were my scores and where did I go wrong
There is always a tomorrow
Let me just say every dog has its own day.