New Set of TSC Approved CBC Teaching Subject Combinations

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Following the introduction of Competence Based Curriculum (CBC), it is important for fresh trainees to have in mind correct set of approved teaching subject combinations to avoid stagnation.

Individuals must also have in mind the transformative vision of the Presidential Working Party on education reforms.

Note also that  Teachers Service Commission (TSC) being  the spearheading channel towards the adoption of Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC) subject combinations for secondary school teachers.

Highlighted in this writeup is a  profound impact of these approved subject combinations,that giving  a ray of light on their implications for both educators and learners.

Currently science subjects are  identified to be marketable subject combinations for secondary school teachers section.

On the other hand,an individual teacher’s academic qualifications plus other  factors such as willingness to work in any part of the country and the length of stay after graduation are key in securing TSC employment opportunities.

As a result  of the new changes, TSC strongly urges various universities and colleges to ensure proper alignment of their training programs with the CBC’s key learning areas.

Proper training in line to CBC according  to TSC will equip teachers with the necessary skills according to the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development Basic Education Framework.

The current new learning areas encompass pre-technical and pre-vocational education,proper life skills, agriculture, and health education knowledge.

CBC Subject Combinations shift

The teachers employer TSC, has set in motion a significant shift in teacher training in as per to it’s advisory.

In the past,there was categorization of secondary schools—National, the Extra County, County and Sub-County schools that is now  being phased out in favor of aligning schools with the career pathways of learners.

This shift aims at preparing teachers to deliver a holistic education that caters to students’ talents and aspirations.

Under the new system,the learners are expected to can choose subject combinations directly that will contribute to their chosen career paths.

The freedom to choose empowers students to make informed decisions about their future,that will see them either focus towards the sciences, humanities or choose vocational disciplines.

Key subjects which are English or Kiswahili, Maths or Science and also  five other subjects at O-level form the core of this new approach.

With the new Junior Secondary School, there is  a streamlined subject load which then needs deeper engagement and learning.
A teacher teaching students in Lodwar, Turkana.

A teacher teaching students in Lodwar, Turkana; Image/ Courtesy

Currently, some of the TSC approved CBC teaching subject combinations  include ,Chemistry / Biology, Geography/CRE,Chemistry/ Physics,Mathematics/Physics,Geography/ History,Chemistry,/Mathematics or  Geography/ IRE

The others are Mathematics/Computer Studies, Geography/Business,Physics/ Computer Studies,History/ CRE, Geography/Kiswahili,Biology/Homes sciences,History/Kiswahili,Biology/ Geography,History/ CRE or Biology/ Agriculture,

Arabic/IRE,Biology/Mathematics, Business Studies/Agriculture,Geography/ Mathematics, Agriculture/ Homes science and Business/ Computer Studies are also approved by TSC for training of teachers.

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