TSC Deputy Principal promotion Criteria to T- Scale 11 ,12 & 13

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The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) promotes teacher to Deputy Principal grades which Include Deputy Principal III (T- Scale 11), Deputy Principal II (T- Scale 12) and also Deputy Principal (T- Scale 13) under special promotion criteria.


Teachers appointed  to this positions is through promotion which is also an entry grade for Deputy Principals in secondary schools.

As stated by TSC , the Deputy Principal III will report to the principal as well as Providing support to the principal of the institution in the development and implementation of education plans, formulating policies, programs plus other  curriculum activities.

Teachers promotion to this grade will be competitive hence subject to the availability of vacancies in the establishment.

Teachers to be appointed to this grade must have served as Senior Master III T-Scale 10 for a minimum period of three (3) years , be on possession of a satisfactory rating in the performance appraisal process  as key requirements.


This level is a promotional position for Deputy Principals in secondary schools who are required to  report to the principal.

It is a directive from the commission for these administrators to provide support to the principal of the schools for the development and implementation of education strategies.

In adding, Thes teachers are required to formulate policies, various programs as well as curriculum activities.

Teachers promotion to grade will be competitive and subject to the availability of vacancies announced by the employer

Key requirements include  a teacher to have served as Deputy Principal III or Senior Master II T-Scale 11 for a minimum period of three (3) years as well as having evidence of rating in the performance appraisal process which is satisfactory.


According to TSC , this scale is promotional grade for Deputy Principals in secondary schools who are required  to report to the principal .

TSC further requires these appointed administrators to provision of  support to the principal of the institution in the development and implementation of school strategies.

These administrators are also required to formulate schools policies, various programs and curriculum activities.

Note also that teacher promotion to this grade will be competitive and subject to the availability of vacancies in the establishment by the employer.

Key requirements for promotions to this positions needs one to have served as Deputy Principal II or Senior Master I T-Scale 12 for a minimum period of three (3) years as well as being a holder of a Master’s degree in a relevant area.

TSC CEO Nancy Macharia at the KNEC Headquarters in Nairobi during the release of 2021 KCPE results on March 28th, 2022

TSC CEO Nancy Macharia at the KNEC Headquarters in Nairobi during the release of 2021 KCPE results on March 28th, 2022 ; Image/Courtesy

Other General additional requirements for the three position  above

These deputies are also expected to have a satisfactory rating in the performance appraisal process as well as having successfully undertaken the relevant TPD modules

In addition, these administrators should have a valid Teaching Certificate, being able to meet the requirements of Chapter Six (6) of the Constitution and also have any other requirement deemed necessary by the Commission.

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