TSC List of 14 Designated Hardship Counties For Paid Allowances

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The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has designated various  counties with some specific areas considered as hardship thus teachers are paid extra allowances.

According to the commission, areas considered as hardship include those that regularly fall victim to terrorism, famine and aridity climates.

As of 2012, the commission had about 38 areas approved as hardship with teachers getting monthly allowances.

For an area to be mapped under hardship,it has to meet conditions such as lack of or unavailability or inaccessibility to food,poor transport and communication network.

The other factors include limited basic social services and amenities, extreme harsh climatic conditions for example flooding, landslides and drought

Those areas with insecurity and high possibility of security threats also are among  the mapped areas.

Currently, teachers posted by the commission in schools located in some parts of the following counties get a  monthly hardship allowances.

TSC list of Hardship Designated Areas.

Salaries and Remuneration Commission determines the review of the allowances paid to teachers in the following areas

Learners in Hardship marked area,seated on bricks in a classroom during a past heavy rain season

Learners in Hardship marked area,seated on bricks in a classroom during a past heavy rain season; Image/Courtesy

Full list of currently designated as hardship areas:

1 Garissa County
2 Isiolo County
3 Kilifi County
4 Kwale County
5 Lamu County
6 Mandera County
7 Marsabit County
8 Narok County
9 Samburu County
10 Taita Taveta County
11 Tana River County
12 Turkana
13 Wajir County
14 West Pokot County


TSC administrators in Hardship counties currently serving under Job grade D5 , normally referred to as Chief Principals do  receive  highest allowance of Sh38,100 per month .

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