TSC Speaks Why it Did Not Consider All Teachers For Promotions

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The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has indicated lack of funds being reason for not promoting all the teachers who appeared before the commission for promotions interviews.

When TSC announced for promotions vacancies ,over one hundred and fifty teachers submitted their interests for consideration.

According to the commission,it only filled gaps that were created by natural attrition of teachers .

While defending defending itself, TSC has indicated that it only received 1 billion in the current year for promotions instead of the 2.2 billion allocation that they had requested from the government .

The commission has decided to come out clear after protests from teachers who attended interviews with expectations to get promotions to higher levels.

TSC promoted a total of 36,505 teachers in the recently released results, publishing the promotion advertisement number and the TSC number of the successful teachers.

Speaking on Friday, the Kenya National Union of Teachers (KUPPET) secretary Akello Misori has now declared that it will push the national government to release more funds for TSC to promote the remaining teachers.

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) headquarters in Upper Hill, Nairobi

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) headquarters in Upper Hill, Nairobi ; Image/File

According to Misori, there are about 130,000 teachers who were left out for the Promotions, majority of whom have Stagnated in the same job group for years now.

Misori further has indicated that the issue of teacher job stagnation is really hurting TSC teachers with some deciding to quit the profession following numerous frustrations for lack of promotions.


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