Several teachers from Homa Bay serving as Early Childhood Education teachers have staged threats to down their tools after failure of the county government to change their employment terms and review their monthly salaries.
A three-day strike notice has now been issued by these teachers who have vowed to stage demonstrations after tomorrow
According to the Kenya Union of Pre-Primary Education Teachers (Kunoppet) officials, police and Department of Education has been inform of their planned demonstrations to take root
Addressing the media, Michael Odera chairman ,Mr. Bernard Ouma secretary and and Edna Ochanda indicated that a total of 898 teachers are asking for better terms of service.
The county reviewed their contracts downwards following a recommendation by the Salaries and Remuneration Commission as per to the reports from the officials.
The officials further indicated that SRC recommended after the teachers had signed permanent and pensionable contracts with former county Governor Cyprian Awiti.
Odera indicated that instead ,the current administration revoked the terms and put them on contract.
The teachers indicated that their confirmation was earlier announced to be effective from January 1.
Teachers got surprised when their pay-slips reflected the same amount of money they were getting last year.
The teachers have now declared a firm stand to down their tools because the employer has refused to honor the agreement.