MoE Invites Applications, 2000 open Jobs for Degree & Dip.Holders

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The ministry of Education MoE has announcement  2,000  open jobs at Vocational and Technical Training (TVET) for degree and diploma holders to submit their application.

According  to the ministry, the successful trainers under the State Department for Vocational and Technical Training after interviews  will be posted  in different universities throughout the nation.

The ministry encouraged applications from  qualified Degree,those with  Higher National Diploma and Diploma holders for the positions of Vocational and Technical Trainers Advertisement.

MoE wants to higher ministry 687 diploma holders as trainers and  another total of 1,313 holders of degrees and higher diplomas to the ministry.

The advert  indicates that the slots will be distributed across all 47 counties.

Those interested  in the announced positions should visit the Public Service Commission more  information on positions and the application process is available at

Applicants will be required to submit their applications directly to the institutions where vacancies exist by ensuring  thorough filling ONE (1) PSC 2 (Revised2016) application form.

They will also be required to attach copies of National ID card, their academic and professional certificates, clear copies of transcripts and any other testimonials .

Applications deadline fro the advertised  MoE Jobs is slated on March 19, 2024  latest 5. 00p.m closure of business.

PSC offices in Nairobi

PSC offices in Nairobi; Image/ PSC

The advertised slots are distributed as follows:

  • Kakamega with  (101)
  • Nairobi with  (96),
  • Bungoma with (88)
  • Meru with  (86)
  • Uasin Gishu with  (83).

The others are Mandera and Tana River counties with (17 each) folled by  Samburu and Marsabit counties having (16 each).

Wajir counties has  (15),followed byb West Pokot counties (9) ,then Isiolo and Lamu counties with (5 slots each).

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