The Only 5 Factors TSC Considers For Immediate Transfer Approval

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Before a teacher is considered for approval of their transfer approval, Teachers Service Commission (TSC) normally considers some factors that it considers important.

TSC considers specific details to use to consider inter county transfer requests especially for teachers who are delocalized

TSC normally prioritize balance in its staff in each Sub County  so as not to create a severe shortage for the sake of fulfilling the urges for delocalized teachers.

The factors considered relevant by TSC to approve teacher transfer include ; 

1. Age of the teacher

Earlier on, those teachers of 56 years and above of age not legible for seeking transfer out of the area of their current work stations, however after the latest but following TSC delocalization , 50 yrs age  and above transfer requests are approved immediately

Several teachers within this  age bracket are school heads who were transferred out of their county back from  2018.


2.Health status of the teacher

TSC approves transfer for teachers with proven cases of terminal illness  almost immediately.

According  to TSC, those teachers suffering from chronic conditions like  High Blood Pressure, Diabetes etc will have their transfers prioritized.

These teachers are required to submit supporting Medical documents, evidence of availability and accessibility to the appropriate medical facilities among other requirements .

3. Those Teachers with Disabilities

Teachers having necessary certification were previously exempted from transfers outside their sub-county now enjoy top consideration when they seek for transfers.

4. Family considerations for the teacher

TSC started considering family nas a key factor when re-routing delocalized teachers back home.

Teacher in class guiding learners in construction concept

Teacher in class guiding learners in construction concept ; Image/Courtesy

Those willing to have a request for this transfer must produce a marriage certificate or an affidavit as evidence for marriage.

5. Length of stay since first appointment:

Currently TSC can do approval of  transfer for a teacher who has served in a station for a period of less than three (3) years in normal areas.

Previously, teachers were required to express transfer request after a period of 5 years both for  North Eastern and other areas respectively since first Appointment.

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