TSC Scraps P1 Teachers’ Certificates, Renders it Useless

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Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has scrapped the Primary Teachers Certificates P1 Training Course under an ongoing review on new laws governing the teaching profession in Kenya.

Since the declaration of this statement, mixed reactions reactions have been elicited from stakeholders in the sector.

 Under the new TSC laws ,which the commission has proposed for implementation , the minimum entry qualification for teachers training now starts at the diploma level.

Under the new changes, the commission (TSC) has proposed that a teacher must have  scored a minimum general grade of  C plain and then a minimum of D+ in Mathematics and a C minus in English subject at KCSE as a way of replacement of P1 Certificates.

Macharia has indicated that the above decision was arrived at after a meeting with all deans of universities offering teaching education to deliberate on the requirements for registration.

TSC has further put in place strict  measures that it says are aimed at streamlining the  teaching profession.

Among them include the circumstances under which a new teacher can be deregistered or punished for offences including sexual one.

The commission has also indicated  that going forward,it will establish and entrench continuous professional development for all its teachers.

TSC foresees a situation where it’s teachers in the profession are set to benefit from upcoming promotions incase all the proposal saul through .

The commission us currently set to promote more than 30,000 teachers serving in various job cadres ranging from chief principals to senior teachers and other positions in between.

TSC has further assured teachers of better medical services as their medical scheme continues to better its approach to the delivery of services to them.

A P1 teacher in a class in Migori Muslim Primary School in January 2019.

A P1 teacher in a class in Migori Muslim Primary School in January 2019; Image/Courtesy

Defending itself on the latest amendments, TSC has indicated that the move to have the new reforms in the sector is guided by the provisions of the constitution .

The commission further indicated that the amendments are in line with the recommendations of the presidential working party on education reforms handed over to the president.

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