Teachers who scored below the TSC minimum subjects grades proposed by TSC may have hard time since the Commission aims strictly to have all teacher recruits to have scored a minimum general grade of C examinations .
In addition, TSC directs that all teachers must have scored in KCSE a D plain in Mathematics subject.
The announcement came after TSC tabled a proposal on revising the minimum entry level for individuals aiming to become teachers .
In this measure, now TSC has ruled scraping the P1 Certificate Level of education for teacher trainees.
As contained in its most recent proposal, the commission is seeking to have a Diploma Certificate as the lowest level of study for all teachers .This also covers those training to teach at ECDE level of education.
In its defense for this move , the commission has announced that this measure is meant to improve the performance of candidates in the national exams.
The TSC director of law also observed that over the past few years , analysis done on KCSE results indicated that the worst subject performance in the Republic of Kenya at KCPE or KCSE is Mathematics and English Language subjects.
For those teachers already in training who did not meet the newly set requirements, TSC promised to have a discussion with the Ministry of education to find the way forward.

A group of Secondary school teachers attending a capacity building training workshop at Thogoto Teachers Training College on April 24th, 2023; Image/ Courtesy
What about those already trained but not yet absorbed by the TSC?
The commission has responsibility in its part, to ensure a flawless marking scheme for exams in the first instance.
Education in Kenya is valueless
What of the teachers who trained and graduated before the new implementation and are not yet employed?