TSC Revises Minimum Entry Requirements For Teachers from 2024

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The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has tabled  a new proposal on revision of the the minimum entry requirements level for those aiming to become teachers .

I’m the latest proposal, TSC has planned to completely  scrap  the P1 Certificate Level of education teacher trainees.

In the most recent  proposal, the commission now demands to have a Diploma Certificate as the lowest level for all teachers .

This will be the minimum requirement for those too for those willing  for training to teach at ECDE level

Accord  to TSC ,Commission all teacher   recruits must score a minimum grade of C and must also have a D plain in Mathematics.

In addition  to this ,TSC wants to have to  aiming to become teachers to have score a minimum of C- in English subject.

The commission has defended this move saying  is that it aims at improving performance of candidates in the national examination.

According  to TSC Director Cabin Anyuor, research shows that an in any  analysis of KCSE results, normally the worst subject performance at KCPE or KCSE is Mathematics and Languages.

Macharia  has further announced that the TSC has plans to share with the Ministry of Education to determine the course of action for those teachers in training who did not meet the new set minimum entry requirements.

Teacher trainees Thogoto Teachers Training College Trainees

Teacher trainees Thogoto Teachers Training College Trainees; IMAGE/COURTESY

Macharia  said that for the trainees  currently  in colleges and may not have the necessary requisite qualifications, TSC is consulting with the Ministry have a  solution so that should not be a problem.

On matters teacher discipline,the commission has also proposed new stringent measures for teachers among the include deregistration of those engaged in gross misconduct such as  having affairs with students.

At the same time ,TSC has given an assurance that a it would promote 36,505 teachers over the course of 2024.
This is because the government had already issued an allocation of Ksh.1 billion for the same purpose in the 2024/2025 fiscal year.

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