The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has invited applications from qualified teachers for nominee job at Salaries and Renumeration Commission (SRC ) as TSC representative.
One must also meet the requirements of Chapter Six (6) of the Constitution in which one will be expected to produce copies of clearance from the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC),Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA), Certificate of good conduct from Kenya Police, copies of Higher Education Loans Board (HELB and also Credit Reference Bureau (CRB)
Those who stand high chance for nomination are those that are not:
i. members of Parliament or County Assembly;
ii. members of a Governing body of a Political Party;
iii. undischarged bankrupt
iv. removed from office for contravening the provisions of the Constitution or any other law.
Those who meet the above qualification are requested to submit their applications through
That all Candidates submitting applications should:
i. Ensure attaching their Academic and Professional certificates plus testimonials;
ii.Attach a prepared curriculum vitae limited to two pages
iii.Give clear contact address, their telephone number and email address.
All the applications are expected to reach the Commission on or before 11th March, 2024.