The Teachers service commission TSC promotes teachers from B5 to C2, C2 to C3,C3 to C4 And C5 upon meeting the requirements and pays them salary and allowances under the current 2024 CBA.
Teachers play a very critical role in determining the direction that our society will take by imparting proper knowledge and skills to learners
As a result , TSC ensures that teachers are fairly compensated for their dedication and hard work they offer to the Kenyan child.
Monthly remuneration for teachers consists of Basic Salary and various Allowances as well
Basic Salary for teachers
TSC pays teachers basic salary which is a core component of a teacher’s remuneration which is determined by their job group.
Here is a comprehensive guide on the TSC scales for job groups C2, C3, C4 C5 respectively.
Grade C2 (Job Group 7 ) salary
Thes teachers earn minimum Basic Pay of Ksh 34,955 and maximum Basic Pay of Ksh 43,694 per month.
Grade C3 (Job Group 8) salary
They earn minimum basic Pay of Ksh 43,154 and maximum basic pay of Ksh 53,943 per month
Grade C4 (Job Group 9) salary
These teachers earn a minimum basic pay of ksh 52,308 and maximum basic Pay of ksh 65,385 per month .
Grade C5 (Job Group 10) Salary
They earn a minimum of basic pay of ksh 62,272 and maximum basic Pay of Ksh77,840 per month.
Monthly Allowances
In addition to the basic salary, teachers are eligible for another additional pay depending on the nature of their work.
TSC pays dome stipends intended to give teachers extra financial assistance as well as acknowledging the particular difficulties they can encounter.
Among the allowances are;
1. monthly Commuter Allowance:
This is money that is paid to all teachers every month and rates for each job group are as follows:
For C2: Ksh. 5,000 per month
For C3: Ksh. 6,000 per month
For C4: Ksh. 8,000 per month
For C5: Ksh. 8,000 per month
2. Monthly Disability Guide Allowance
It is an allowance paid to teachers working in special schools and receive a rate of Ksh 20,000 per month for all job groups ranging from from C2, C3, C4 to C5.
3. Annual Leave Allowance
It is money that is paid to all teachers to support them during their annual leave.
Teachers receive this money at a rate of Ksh 6,000 per month for all job groups from C2, C3, C4 and C5.
4.monthly House Allowance
It is money that is paid to teachers on a monthly basis , however the amount varies depending on where the teacher is stationed to work.
TSC pays monthly salary and allowances for teachers according to the current 2024 rates under the CBA.
Teachers working in areas under municipalities earn more based on the high cost of living in this areas.