TSC to start Releasing promotion letters to Successful Teachers

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The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has resolved to start issuing  promotion letters to successful teachers starting March ,2024 .

Earlier promotion exercise for teachers will help to address huge number of head teachers and deputy HeadTeachers leaving the teaching service.

In last year December 2023, there were  a total of 2,400 head teachers who  retired from the service after attaining the mandatory retirement age.

Even though the employer advertised a total of 36,505 promotion vacancies for both  primary and secondary school teachers in September 2023,some details out indicate that it about  1,000 head teachers who exited the service in January 31st, 2024.

There are also another set of teachers  expected to retire in February hence creating further crisis in schools.

As a result,TSC will start  issuing promotion letters to successful teachers in March 2023 hence need to speed the promotion exercise.

In reference to a memo addressed to County and Sub-County Directors, the commission has ordered to be given  details of teachers currently in job group C4 and C5 but not serving in any administrative capacity.

Equally, the School Heads of Institutions have been asked to immediately forward the details of their teachers currently in C4 and C5 who arenot serving as heads or deputies of the institutions.

TSC now plans to offer classroom teachers in job group C4 and C5  with promotion letters to move and  serve as deputy and headteachers respectively.

Fortunately ,  revelation indicate that many classroom teachers who are currently in such job groups are so far  already promoted to serve as heads and deputies.

The teachers employer eyes promotion of the classroom teachers serving in such job groups since it will help it  cut the cost for paying more for the administration of schools.

Several teachers who attended promotion interviews are currently waiting with much anticipation for promotion results.

Several Primary school teachers showed up for  the promotion interviews in December 2023 as another group  of their colleagues in secondary attended the same exercise in January 2024.

After submitting document, the commission shortlisted a total of 150,000  teachers to compete for the 36,505 promotional vacancies that were advertised.

Teachers service commission headquarter offices.

Teachers service commission headquarter offices;Image|x

The Commission will release  letters to all interview attendees .

Teachers who will be successful will get promotional letters as those who will be unsuccessful will get regret letters.

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