It is about 3,500 teachers out of those who attended TSC December 2023 interviews that are likely to get promotions .
This revelation comes at a time when there is a serious anxiety among primary school teachers who are waiting results after they attended TSC promotions interview in December of last year.
There has been several of them expressing their wonder on why the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) is taking so long to release the results.
Sources to the Commission revealed confirmed that TSC has not yet released the list of chosen applicants.
Earlier TSC had advertised 14,738 vacancies that were posted, however,.it was only 11,231 instructors were promoted,which made TSC to highlight on the lack of qualified applicants.
As a result, there was a gap in the results in which 3,507 slots were left open.
However, the source has revealed that the commission is planning to issue about 3,500 promotions to teachers.
As a result , TSC is since planning to consider more than simply the candidates’ interview scores, but also other major areas that will see exercise processing the results release take longer than anticipated.
TSC is also putting into scrutiny the discipline history as one of the factors considered.
Teacher Performance Appraisal and Development (TPAD) as well as ratings are among the tedious areas are to be concluded.
TSC Promotions for December 2023 results are expected by April of this year and all the interview results may be made available to the public.
The release of these results will enable the stations to assign the chosen promoted candidates to the proper roles.
In last year, TSC issued an advertisement of 36,053 posts that were posted in August of which TSC conducted in three phases of promotional interviews.

Teachers service commission headquarter offices;Image|x
Under the first phase TSC major focus was likely on promoting Grades C1 through C5 in elementary school.
Interviews at this level were done at the sub-county level from December 4 to December 15, 2023.
In addition , positions under T-scale 9 for conventional primary schools had 1,930 openings , slots that were for Deputy Headteacher II promotions.