Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has advertised 6,000 JSS deployment slots for the current serving primary school teachers having a degree in secondary option to apply by 18th March 2024.
Teachers interested to apply for the advertised slots can log in to TSC website at TSC online to submit application
The commission announced plans to promote the PTE teachers by posting them start serving in junior secondary school section starting early next term.
Teachers who qualifies have been asked by the commission to apply for the deployment by 18th March.
Requirement for deployment to jss
The commission has asked Primary School teachers wishing to be deployed to JSS to ensure that they are qualified to teach in secondary schools.
As a result, those teachers MUST meet the following requirements:
i.Be in possession of an active registration as a teacher with the Teachers Service Commission.
ii.Currently be employed as a primary school teacher with the Teachers Service Commission.
currently should not be serving an interdiction or undergoing a disciplinary process.
iv.Be in possession of a minimum of a Diploma in Education with a minimum of C+ at KCSE (or it’s equivalent) .
V. Be in possession of C+ in two teaching subjects currently being offered in the school curriculum which shows be either under 8-4-4 or CBC) or two (2) principles .Under this case one should be a subsidiary pass at “A” Level.
Vi. Have at least 8 units in each of the two teaching subjects.
On the other hand , those teachers with a minimum of C (plain) at KCSE (or its equivalent) and have also successfully undertaken a Diploma in Education together with a Bachelor Degree in Education do qualify.
Thes teachers are also expected to have degree certificate which must be Bachelor of Education.

Teachers service commission headquarter offices;Image|x
Note that ;Teachers who are Bachelor of Education (Primary Option) holders are not eligible to apply.
All interested Candidates to apply for JSS deployment Slots are expected to present the following documents during verification exercise:
i. Present an original and copy of the degree/diploma certificate;l
ii. Present an original and copies of the academic transcripts.
iii.present an original and copy of SNE qualification (where applicable);
iv.present an original and copy of the KCSE certificate (or its equivalent);
v.Present a copy of the current payslip;
vi. Present a clear declaration by the Head of Institution that the teacher is currently serving in the school and is neither serving an interdiction nor undergoing a disciplinary process.