TSC Criteria For Appointment of Deputy Headteacher under (CPG)

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The Teachers Service Commission TSC has issued the new Criteria for appointment of Deputy Headteacher under the new guidelines for Career Progression Guidelines (CPG).

The commission has highly prohibited teachers from skipping job groups for advancement.

As a result , those teachers under senior teacher C2 position must pass job group C3 before being  promoted to a deputy headteacher position in C4.

Also important to note is that a teacher must be in job group C3 for at least three years before being confirmed in C4 as a deputy headteacher.

TSC has so far notified the county directors on additional teachers to school administration posts .

According to TSC,  Deputy Head Teacher II  is a promotional grade for school administrators in primary school institutions.

The position of Deputy Head Teacher II , as per to TSC is answerable to the Head Teacher.

The teacher is this position is in charge of  development and implementation of the curriculum, education policies as well as other school programs.

The commission directs that in the absence of the Head Teacher, School Deputy Head Teacher will be in-charge of the institution.

TSC Requirements for teacher appointment to deputy headteacher II

  • One must have served as Senior Teacher I T- Scale 8 for a minimum period of three (3)
  • One must have a satisfactory rating in the performance appraisal
  • successfully undertaken the relevant TPD modules
  • Posses  a valid Teaching Certificate
  • Demonstrate the ability to supervise , to do mentor as well as  provide professional support to other teachers.
  • Ability to meet the requirements of Chapter Six (6) of the Constitution.
  • Be able to meet any other requirement the Commission may deem necessary during interviews

Deputy HeadTeacher II Salary scale as of 2023.

TSC headquarter offices

TSC headquarter offices ; image/ File

The  Deputy Head Teacher II under  Grade C4 (T- Scale 9) serve as  administrators in Primary schools with enrolment of below 1000 learners. 

These assistant heads currently earn monthly perks of between Sh45,287 and 51,632.

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