TSC New Guidelines For P1 Teacher Deployment To JSS After Crisis

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The teachers Service Commission TSC has issued new guidelines for P1 teacher deployment to Junior school JSS to address teachers shortage experienced.

School JSS after teacher crisis experienced following  high learners enrollment.

As a result, the commission will start   assigning the second batch of practicing PTE teachers to Junior Secondary Schools (JSS) .

The commission through its TSC officials will do teacher placement and document verification, the exercise that is to be done in coordination with TSC Sub-County Directors after applicant lists have been provided.

TSC issued deployment letters to junior secondary schools JSS teachers for the first cohort after their deployment and document confirmation exercise were complete.

The P1 teachers who have furthered  their studies will benefit from this plan, for teaching junior high pupils in Grade 7.

When application of the exercise started back in 2023 February, few teachers applied for deployment.

TSC sent about twenty teachers  designated for deployment to specific sub-counties.

Later, the commission reopened the opportunity to reapply and  extended to teachers who were not chosen for the first deployment .

The commission is yet to deployment those remaining as soon as the new applications are approved.

However, a few have already been deployed to various Junior schools.

Note that earlier there are some teachers that were not included in the lists since they did not receive an SMS inviting them to review their materials.

This is the reason why the Commission extended the Junior Secondary School deployment application period for these teachers.

As TSC opens the doorway once more,  primary schools teachers  who possess the required qualifications are invited to apply.

Inorder to access the deployment link ,log in to tsconline.tsc.go.ke/tsc-teacher/login.

The Teachers Service Commission in this month mentioned on the selection and placement of P1 teachers in Junior Secondary Schools (JSS).

A total of 10,833 requests for the deployment of junior secondary schools from certified primary school teachers,  have been evaluated by the Commission and waiting for deployment.

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