TSC Salary for newly Employed Degree Graduate Teacher

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The Teachers Service Commission TSC pays newly employed graduate teacher working in Kenya a minimum of Sh34,955 as basic salary per month.

This teacher falls under grade C2 which  was earlier known as  Job group K .

TSC changed their job title to Secondary Teacher II.

On top of the  basic salary, they are also paid monthly  allowances.
For a fresh graduate , they get Sh5,000 as  commuter allowance per month for C2 teachers.
Thy are also paid a leave allowance which  comes only once a year at a rate of Sh6,000 .
Depending  on where these teachers are stationed , they get House allowance  paid monthly at a rate of between Sh16,500 to Sh7,000.

Any newly employed teacher, as guided  by the teachers service commission remains on probation for a period of not less than six (6) months.

Under some circumstances,  the probation period for newly employed teachers may be extended , for instance when the teacher’s performance is unsatisfactory.

Immediately after three years of service, newly employed teachers are automatically  promoted to job group L that is currently known as C3.

TSC effects this promotion once a teacher fills a form and sends it to the commission.

Before the teachers salary is deposited to their accounts, the salary is subjected to Mandatory deductions before you get your net pay in the account.
Some if the key monthly deductions come as  either statutory  like HELB, PAYE, NHIF) or third party  loans like savings and union dues.

Madam Winfred Kathure, with learners at M.C.K. Kaaga Primary School in Meru County, central Kenya, instructs Standard Six pupils on January 3, 2019.

Madam Winfred Kathure, with learners at M.C.K. Kaaga Primary School in Meru County, central Kenya, instructs Standard Six pupils on January 3, 2019.; Photo/NMG

On the other hand, the newly TSC employed graduate Holders of Diploma in Education teacher has an entry basic salary of Sh27,195 per month.

These teachers are also entitled to various monthly allowances listed above .

Take note too that the Primary school teachers enter the teaching service at Grade B5 , this was earlier known as Job Group G.

These teachers get a monthly basic salary of Sh21,756 plus other allowances.

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