A good number of Teacher Training Colleges (TTCs) are to be merged into one institution just like the Kenya Medical Training College (KMTC) incase the recommendations by the recommendations of the taskforce on education reforms are adopted.
In this plan, the Kenya Teacher Training College is likely to absorb all 34 existing teacher training Colleges and operate them as campuses across the country.
As a result, Current entry criteria for teacher training is expected to change to making the training more accessible following the low enrollment.
Under the new proposal, the subject clustering approach now employed for admission to the primary teaching diploma program will be scrapped.
As of last year , the TTCs had a maximum capacity of 26,650 students, but it was only 3,922 enrolled at the moment.
According to the PWPER committee, students from marginalized areas in TTC admissions pools through the use of affirmative action policies.

Teacher trainees Thogoto Teachers Training College Trainees; IMAGE/COURTESY
In a move increase enrollment from those areas, the students would be accepted with lower entry grades than the ones stated above .
At the same time , the education reforms committee pushed for placement of students in both KMTC and teacher training programs, that is now handled by the Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Service .
Note also that kuccps is also the body that is responsible for placement of students into various universities in Kenya