The Teachers Service Community TSC has listed the new Teacher Disciplinary Offences Proposed In TSC Amendment Act 2024.
Here is a comprehensive list of key details that constitute disciplinary offences in the teaching service;
TSC Teacher disciplinary Offences regarded as Immoral behavior with a learner,which include ;
i. Engaging in sexual intercourse
engaging in sodomy
engaging in homosexuality
iv.engaging in sexual harassment or flirtation
v. Engaging in love relationship
vi. Exposing them to pornography
vii. Involved in buying gifts intended to influence learners into immoral conduct
viii. Engaging in an act aiding immoral conduct.
(b)Acts regarded as professional misconduct include;
i.Being involved in negligence of duty
ii. Subject to chronic lateness to duty
iii. Subject to chronic absenteeism
iv. Subject to desertion
v. Subject to incitement.
vi.subject to insubordination
vii.victim of poor performance of duty
(c)Acts regarded as infamous conduct including
i. Involved in drunkenness
ii.involved in fighting
iii.Involved in use of vulgar and abusive language
Iv.involved in cyber bullying
(d) Offences involved in sending or hosting learners in teachers’ residences or guest house or hotels or lodging;
(e) Subjecting learners to undertake household chores at teachers’ residence
(f) Discovered to have submitted forged documents to the Commission to influence decision making processes.
(g) Involved in falsification and alteration of official documents or data.
(h) Involved in mismanagement, misappropriation and embezzlement of public funds.
(i)Taking part in violation of procurement regulations.
(j) Involved in fraudulent activities that contravene the provisions of this act and the regulations made herein
(k) Involved in violation of Guidelines and directions issued or disseminated by the Commission.
(l) Involved in undertaking or facilitating holiday tuition.
(m) Being involved in charging unauthorized fees and levies.
(n) Involved in withholding learners National Examinations certificates.
(o) Being involved in administration of corporal punishment.
(p) Being involved in exposing learners to and/or supplying them with illicit drugs and psychotropic substances.
(q) Involved in failure to register candidates for national examinations.
(r) Being a victim to commission of any act leading to examination irregularities as provided under the Kenya National Examination Council Act and regulations.
(s) Providing falsifying school enrollment data.
(t) Involved in aiding an unregistered person to gain the employment as a teacher.
(u) Involves in theft of institutional property.
(v) Involved in giving false or misleading information to the Commission.
(w) Involved in engaging in other gainful employment while an employee of the Commission
(x) Being involved in conviction on a criminal offence by a Court of law which renders an employee unfit to remain in employment.
(y) Involved in any other offence as may be provided in the Regulations.

Teachers Service Commission TSC headquarters ; image/courtesy