List Of 15 Worst Courses in Kenya Rendering Graduates Jobless 

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Based on the current job trends in Kenya, there are a list of courses that have become worst in the sense that one has high chances of lacking a job after graduation .

As a result, this calls for those choosing a career path,to take time and do thorough consideration on the state of the economy and trends in employment.

Moe importantly,  Kenya’s new the economic climate demands that you pursue a marketable diploma or degree course that can land you a job within a short time.

Some of the worst courses that have seen most graduands remain jobless include;

Chemical Engineering course

Unless you have a clue on how to get out of Kenya, Chemical Engineering degree is as good as useless course in the country.

This course is only much recognized in developed states such as Russia and America where sometimes these states do not regard your Kenyan degree.

Diploma course in Social Work

It is a good course  but the problem is delayed absorption.

Current market trends indicate low use for social workers because of low follow up of social issues for instance sexual health and child protection matters.

Worst part of it is that most social institutions are also not developed meaning low employment rate.

Diploma course in Business Administration

Following flooding of the market with business courses and individuals wanting to operate their business alone, you better avoid taking a degree in this course .

Instead, you can persue a diploma if there are no professional courses in the field.

Mass Media course 

The course is deviating from classwork knowledge to the real life skills your .

It is a course fir the talented only meaning if you are not artistic and gifted, avoid  thinking of taking it.

Political Science Course 

Most successful graduates of  this course rarely get an opportunity to air their political views .

It means that without financial authority you may not enjoy the fruits thus many have end up settling for some other odd jobs.

Sport Science course

It is a course that will see you  end up being a gym instructor and a personal trainer.

Bear in mind that there are few people interested in such a lifestyle .

Psychology and Counselling course 

It is a good course for impacting people’s lives positively but the challenge  comes in getting employed in such a field which turns out to be impossible today.

Theology course

The course is the  most useless degrees in the country.

Incase you have no  plans of becoming a chaplain or a religious leader, avoid  this program.

One does not need any certificates to become a pastor nowadays meaning  that any person can wake up today and claim that God has called him/her to spread the gospel as well.

Criminology course 

Even with the rise of population,still  Security firms and chiefs no longer need the services of such experts.

Students during graduation ceremony

Students during graduation ceremony.image/courtesy

It means that with this degree, there are high chances of ending up settling for something you did not train for.

Others in the list of  worst courses evident in Kenya include;

  • Art courses
  • Physical Education
  • Anthropology
  • Environmental Science
  • Bachelor of Commerce (BCOM)
  • Meteorology

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