Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has finally agreed to get back all teachers transferred from st.Gabriel Isongo secondary school at Kakamega after parents accosted them.
During his speech yesterday after a meeting with sponsors and the Board of Management of the St.Gabriel Isongo Secondary School, the Chief Executive Officer Nancy Macharia TSC defended. its earlier action, indicating that the teachers cannot work effectively in an unfriendly community.
Macharia said that the decision of the TSC to transfer the teachers was meant to protect their lives from the insecurity emanating from the community
Last week on Wednesday , TSC decided to transfer 17 teachers from st. Gabriel isongo secondary when parents stormed the school and chased out the principal and the school director of studies on claims of poor results of 2023 Kenya Certificate of Secondary School.
The action took the leaders from the Catholic Diocese of Kakamega as the main sponsor to camp at the TSC regional offices on Monday after which they travelled to head office in Nairobi.
According to Father Fredrick Lugonzo of Bumini Parish, he reported that tsc had agreed to meet the school management on how to restore normalcy.
Father Lugonzo had also said that learning had been severely affected as only 13 teachers employed by the Board of Management were left in the school.
He further condemned the action saying it had affected affected ongoing Form One admissions as some parents refused to enrol their students until they were assured of the return of the TSC teachers.

TSC CEO, Nancy Macharia, speaking during the launch of the Teachers Service commission strategic plan 2023-2027 event at Kenya School of Government on July 6, 2023; image/ courtesy
Still in the same issue, the Education Cabinet Secretary Ezekiel Machogu termed the decision taken by parents as as insensitive and not in best interest of the children.
The CS further said the school should be reopened within a week and the teachers moved back.
However, he called for the arrest of the parents who accosted the teachers.