TSC Latest News on Changes Affecting Teachers

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The Teachers Service Commission TSC has released latest news on PTE (Primary Teachers Education saying that only certificate will not be enough to grant them license to teach in a primary school.

The above details has been revealed from a report published by Teachers Service Commission (TSC).

The commission indicates that  primary school teachers with only PTE certificates will be irrelevant . This is becaus all primary schools will be fully locked into Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) from Grade 1 to 6 starting 2024.

The commission has also indicated that it will recruit P1 teachers who undertook the Competency Based Teacher Education (CBTE).

Tsc says that PTE teachers who upgraded their certificates to the current Diploma in Primary Teacher Education (DPTE) qualify for recruited.

The commission further says the lowest entry grade into the teaching profession will be a Diploma meaning that it is only teachers with DPTE will be considered for employment in primary schools.

Teachers who will be employed  under this category will b placed in job group C1 indicating  plans to have TSC in future scrap job group B5 for teachers which is the current entry grade for primary school teachers.

At the moment,TSC has a total of 46,000 teachers who are serving under internship terms.

As per to the TSC framework, their confirmation to permanent terms in 2025.

Tsc latest news on employment of teachers indicate that 20,000 intern teachers in February and also in August another 20,000 interns were employed.

Data shows that in January 2022, TSC  had posted a total of 1,995 intern teachers to schools.

The commission further renewed internship contract for 4,005 teachers whose one year term ended in December 2021.

The above sum total of teachers add up to total number of intern teachers to 46,000.

Note that all  primary school intern teachers will not be affected by this paradigm shift, tsc will  confirm them after serving for two years.

TSC boss Nancy Macharia before the Public Petitions Committee on November 2023.

TSC boss Nancy Macharia before the Public Petitions Committee on November 2023.Image/Courtesy

In the past ,tsc recruitment only awarded the P1 teachers ten marks for upgrading to Competency Based Curriculum.

Upon announcement from tsc , most primary and nursery school teachers enrolled for upgrading of their certificates to the CBC Diploma..

Here is the Registration Fees for DPTE Upgrade Programme KNEC Assessments

The Assessment Fee Payment Breakdown Fes /Amount paid  (Kes)
The Basic Fee 1,200
The Assessment Fee for all Subjects 12,000
The Practicum Fee 2,500
The Total Assessment Fees 15,700

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