Teachers under permanent  and pensionable terms get several allowances ; some of them include

Housing allowance

Commuting allowance

Risk contributions among others.

Allowances paid to teachers can significantly increase a teacher’s monthly earnings and as a result increase their total monthly salary.

TSC teachers also receive benefits from the commission  such as:

Health insurance



Money paid to the teachers  is funded by the government.

Salary scales for permanent tsc jss teachers

Teachers Service Commission highlights  the salary scale for teachers who will teach in junior secondary schools under the competency curriculum under permanent terms.

TSC boss Nancy Macharia before the Public Petitions Committee on November 2023.

TSC boss Nancy Macharia before the Public Petitions Committee on November 2023.Image/Courtesy

Even with the existence of many concerns about who will look after students in junior high schools in grades 7, 8 and 9,TSC  has finally decided on the category of teachers for teaching at the lower secondary level and their new salary scale.

The teachers employed  deploys only elementary school teachers with a bachelor’s degree in pedagogy (optionally secondary) considered  fit to teach in secondary schools.

For a teacher to be deployed to teach in junior secondary schools, he/she  must have  achieved at least an average grade of C+ in KCSE and C+ in two subjects.

Qualified teachers deployed to work with students in junior high schools normally  will start at job grade C2 as well as  including those newly employed by TSC with bachelor degrees.

Newly  employed jss teacher receives a basic pay grade of a minimum of between Sh34,955  and a  maximum of Sh43,694 per Month.

Upon employment, secondary school teachers are then automatically promoted to job grade C3 after completing three years in service.

The above criteria is set out in the Career Progression Guidelines (CPG).

Here is the monthly salary scale for newly deployed / employed JSS TEACHERS,

Basic Salary  Ksh .34,955

House allowance (other premises) ksh.7,500

Hardship Allowance  Ksh. 10,900

Commuting allowance   Ksh. 5,000

Leave  allowance (paid only in January) ksh.6,000 .

The teachers’ total earnings above are subject to further mandatory deductions.